Here you can find more informations about EMUELEC 4.5 - 128 GB FOR ODROID N2
Latest emuelec 4.5 build, 64 system emulated, 20.875 roms, Pre configured with game images and game descriptions for almost all the games, The best retro game experience available on Odroid N2 & N2+ board.
List of system emulated :
Panasonic 3d0; Amiga 500; Amiga 1200; Amiga cd32; Amastrad CPC; Amstrad GX 4000; Arcade (Mame) ; Atari 800; Atari 2600; Atari 5200; Atari 7800; Atari Lynx; Atari S; Atomiswave; Commodore 64; Coleco vision; Cps1 ; Cps2; Cps3; Daphne; Dreamcast; Family Disk System; Game & watch; Game cube; Game gear; Game boy; Game boy Color; Game boy Advance; Intellivision; Mastersystem;Megadrive; Msx; N64; Naomi; Neocd; Nes; Ngp; Ngpc; Odissey; Openbor; Pc98; Pcengine; Pcenginecd;Pcfx; Psp; Psx; Saturn; Sega32X; Sg 1000; Supergrafx; Super nintendo;Watara supervision; Uzebox; Vectrex; Virtualboy; Wonderswan; Wonderswan color; X68000; Zx81; Zx Spectrum
Users that purchase this system will be followed directly trought whatsapp or email ( ENGLISH LANGUAGE ONLY !!!. for any question or usage clarification in order to give you the best gaming performances.
Image is completly open for your personalization and modify, ftp login can be made with standard Emuelec login and password.
Is so important choose the right sd card, cheap sd card can reduce the general performances and different brands than the one suggested may haven't the right space available fro write the image file.
This particular iso cannot boot from an hard disk , Hd can be added as external storage for host more games.
This release allow filesystem resize, this mean that you can use a 512 or more micro sd card, you can add an external hard drive for store more games in case of.
Digital Arena prides itself on providing the best retro gaming system emulation imagery in terms of configuration, reliability and compatibility. Our offer is aimed at saving you hours and hours of time for the setup of your favorite system so that you can immediately immerse yourself in a memorable retro gaming experience.
All the roms are inserted exclusively for testing purpose. The use of the software provided must be done in accordance with the law as to emulate a ROM the user must be in possession of the physical support.