The ODROID is a series of single-board computers and tablet computers created by Hardkernel Co., Ltd., located in South Korea. Even though the name ODROID is a portmanteau of open + Android] the hardware is not actually open because some parts of the design are retained by the company. Many ODROID systems are capable of running not only Android, but also regular Linux distributions

Odroid N2, C4, Xu4 digital retro images

Digital Arena prides itself on providing the best retro gaming system emulation imagery in terms of configuration, reliability and compatibility. Our offer is aimed at saving you hours and hours of time for the setup of your favorite system so that you can immediately immerse yourself in a memorable retro gaming experience.

All the roms are inserted exclusively for testing purpose. The use of the software provided must be done in accordance with the law as to emulate a ROM the user must be in possession of the physical support.